We have been blessed with 38 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren. They bring us great joy. They are happy, healthy, bright and good. We thank our 8 children and their great spouses for these wonderful young people.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Speak up as a Mom

When I finished my nursing education and had the opportunity to have a career, I chose as my career to be a mom. There were times when people looked down on me because of that choice. I have never regretted it. Having the opportunity to be the mother of Heavenly Fathers wonderful spirit children has brought me all the joy and fulfillment that I would ever need. Yes at times I wondered what in the world I was doing. At times I knew that I was way over my head when it came to knowing what to do. what to say, how to react. At times I was very frustrated with my life. During all of these times something would always happen that would bring me back to the joy my children brought into my life. An unexpected hug, a complement from someone about how great my kids were, excelling in sports or school, a talk in church where I was overwhelmed with love and on and on. There is a scripture in 3rd John that states"There is no greater joy then to hear that my children walk in truth."
To watch children grow from infancy to adulthood and then watch them as they are parents is the greatest career any one could ask for. I continue to enjoy being a grandmother and great grandmother. As I watch these young people grow and succeed in their lives I am so happy to be a part of their lives.

I am writing this because today while I was out I was listening to Glen Beck. He had some woman on his show that really caught my attention. After listening to Glen Becks show a couple days ago they decided to take action. One of them started a web site called As A Mom. The whole idea behind this was this: When ever we start a sentence with these three words ,As A Mom, we have great power. Many women today do not know the power they have as a Mom. Yes they are a great influence in their children's lives, but they also have great power in what happens in a community and in this country. As mothers we need to speak up for the things we know are right. I would encourage you to go to this web site www.asamom.ning.com and join and share your knowledge with others. It is a place to ask questions and get answers.
This country was founded on principles of truth and honesty, integrity and love of God. We need to do all that we can to keep it as it was in the beginning so that the future generations will have the freedoms necessary for happiness. When something is right it does not need to be changed.
I love this country and all that it stands for. I love being a mom and a grandmother and great grandmother. I know that I can be an influence for good while I am on this earth.


Rinez said...

You put words to my opinions and feelings exactly. Thank you! I'll check out that website.

Amy Coontz said...

I was just there, before reading your post! Yea Moms!!

Urmston Family said...

"As a Mom" i would say this is righ on! THanks for the example and support you give me. Love Jill