We have been blessed with 38 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren. They bring us great joy. They are happy, healthy, bright and good. We thank our 8 children and their great spouses for these wonderful young people.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Winter in Melbourne

As you all enjoy your summer days we are here in the southern hemisphere trying to enjoy winter. Most days are not that bad. Some days however that Antarctic wind comes blowing in and it is really cold. The trees are bare and everyone is bundled up with scarves and gloves. This is Melbourne at night. The Elders and Sisters are trying to stay well but a flu bug has gotten some of them. We feel very blessed to have been healthy and with out illness since we arrived.

First I want to say how very happy we are that Carrie and Ralph are engaged to be married. He proposed on her birthday and she accepted. They are planning to be sealed around November. If she has been slow to let you all know she will probably be a little upset with me.

Our sweet Etsuko is in Japan. She was so excited to go home and share her testimony with her fiancee. Before she left, she had already told him many things about the Church and he was very interested and wants to go to Church with her. She has already contacted the Mission there and set up a meeting with the Missionaries. She will be in Japan for a month and then back here until February. We miss her. She is so excited about everything she is re-learning. This is a picture of Elder Brown and Li with us a Etsuko.

We had another Shall We Dance night. It was good. Not as many young people as I had hoped for, but was good. Friday night this week there was a big Stake Dance. We had the other activities leading up to this Dance. On Thursday I asked Abby who was coming and she said they were not going to go. I told her that was not acceptable. She said they don’t know anyone. After some discussion about the importance of supporting people who work hard to have good activities for us she said she would call everyone. She was successful and there were seven there. They were a little hesitant to dance, so I finally took them by the hand and led them out, did a little moving back and forth and then Lu who has been on a mission to Canada got them going. In the end they seemed to enjoy themselves.

The Language Zone had two baptisms. One young women JOJO, we will begin teaching her the new member discussions. She is from Shanghai. Quite Westernized. The other young man Tom is 17 and here to learn English. Sunday there are two more. Work is moving forward. Far more success with the Chinese then the Australians. The Cultures of both are very different. A lot of Australians are really into getting things. They are not very religious. Have many beautiful churches but not many going. The Chinese on the other hand are seeking to find something to make life important. When they first feel the spirit, it is an immediate answer. We look forward to the day when China’s doors are open to the missionaries. Many of these young people will be called to serve their brothers and sisters. We read in the paper that in China religious groups may now meet in groups of 25 or less.

Boundery changes for our two wards. The people will be the same, only in different wards. Should be a good change. Caulfield was really struggling. Bishop Mohr of Fairfield however lost his, RS Pres. YW Pres. Elders Quorum Pres and SS Pres. He has a lot of work ahead.

We are grateful for this time of our life. We are grateful for the hand of the Lord in what we are doing.We especially love our study of the Book of Mormon. We have all been given assignment from Pres. Lee to read the Book of Mormon in two transfers.(90 days). While reading we are to mark in different colors 1. The doctrine 2. any reference to the Savior. 3 Attributes of the Savior 4. When the Savior Speaks. It has been a very interesting assignment. We recognize that the Book of Mormon is truly a testament of Jesus Christ.

I will say again using the words of Pres. Monson, We pray for you , Please pray for us. We love and appreciate you all, and recognize each day what a wonderful blessing our family and friends are to us.


Urmston Family said...

We love you.Thank you for your inspiring stories. Love you lots.

Amy Coontz said...

I was so excited to see the new post!! I was beginning to think your Mission Pres. had turned into some sort of slave driver!!! Sounds like things continue to go well, yeah!!!

I will work on getting our St Louis trip up soon.

Love ya,

Mr. Ailstron said...

Aunt CArrie's getting married? What? Why? Purposley? WAs she Blackmailed? Frank Blackmailed her!! Ahhh!

Matthew Urmston said...

Sound's like things are going great! I could do for a little winter weather, it's been really hot. I work upstairs in the morning and evening and in the crawlspace in the middle of the day when it get's really hot. Keep up the good work.